Latest Past Events

44th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2018)

Fiera Roma Viale Alexandre Gustave Eiffel 79, Rome

ECOC Exhibition - 'Market Focus' Andrew Lord, Metro-Haul project manager and head of optical research at BT, is one of the speakers for the morning session: "Service and content provider optical transmission" (Wednesday 26th September) in the 'Market Focus' area of ECOC Exhibition. The presentation title is:  "Optical Metro Networks in a 5G World" (10:55 […]

The International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC 2018)

St. Raphael Resort 502 Amathountos Avenue,, Pyrgos

Invited Talk   Albert Rafel from British Telecom (BT) will have an invited talk: "Next generation cost-effective metro networks (Fr2C.1)"  in "Fr2C: Metro/Access" session (11:20-12:50, 21 Sep).   Workshop - 5G-PPP@PSC 2018   Cross-Pollination EU project meetings for two "clusters" of projects will be co-located with PSC 2018 and will take place on 18th September 2018. In […]

III Conference on Embedded and Reconfigurable Computing (JCER2018)

Teruel Polytechnic University University of Zaragoza Teruel Campus, Teruel

Metro-Haul presentation: By Jorge E. López de Vergara Méndez, Sergio L´opez-Buedo, from Naudit; Title: Monitorización con FPGAs de flujos y sesiones TCP en enlaces de 40 Gbit/s Abstract: En este trabajo se presenta una arquitectura basada en FPGA, diseñada para la agregación y posterior exportación de registros de sesiones TCP en enlaces de hasta 40 Gbit/s sin realizar muestreo […]